Natural Language Understanding, Careers in Marketing, & More [Content Roundup]

Natural Language Understanding, Careers in Marketing, & More

We’re in the great state of Minnesota for a wedding so this one is getting posted quickly before I have to run off and get down to ushering duties. Basically, I have to save seats for members of the family, but I’m dedicated to the role and I’ve been taking tips from these guys:


Natural Language Understanding [Tool]

I happened upon this tool and instantly liked it. This is from IBM’s Watson program and this tool is a collection of APIs that analyzes natural language. It pulls the overall sentiment of the text, emotions, keywords, entities, categories, concepts, and semantic roles. I think it’s a great tool to use to analyze your own content, but you can also use it to analyze a competitor’s content that hit it out of the park.

How to Grow a Successful Career in Marketing [Article]

I love Matthew Barby, he’s a fantastic marketer and writes fantastic articles on SEO. This article about how to grow you career as a marketer is a departure for him in terms of what he normally writes about. I especially like his tip about learning from others and he shares what he does to help his career:

Pretty much once a week for the past couple of years, I’ve met with one person that I didn’t previously know that works in a similar role to me at a different company. This could be a 15-to-20-minute call, grabbing a coffee in person or with me taking a trip over to their office. During these meetings, I ask one question:

“What are the toughest problems you’ve faced and how did you solve them?”

Google: URL Structure Not So Important For SEO [Article]

This is a good emphasis on not getting caught up too much in the URL structure and just making sure you don’t change URLs. I’m a fan of shorter URLs with clean structure, but more importantly to pick a structure that works for your site and make sure you don’t change it.

HubSpot’s Global Head of Growth & SEO Explains Why Backlinks Are the Most Effective Factor for Ranking [Podcast]

Matthew Barby gets in the roundup twice this week! This episode of the Growth Everywhere podcast is a fantastic listen mainly because Barby really knows his stuff. And you can never learn enough about link building and how important it is for your website.

How to Evaluate the SEO Value of a Piece of Content [Article]

This article is fantastic and I instantly bookmarked it. This article goes through every aspect of a piece of content and what you should be focused on for SEO. It also includes a great checklist for you to go through and make sure you’re hitting these optimizations. I’m copying this checklist and sharing it with my team.

Random Fun Find: Bonnie Tyler Will Sing ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ During the Actual Eclipse

This has been, pardon my French, a piece of shit week. I saw a side of my country that I was disgusted with and I was very frustrated with the president’s response (that’s putting it lightly). So we need something that can make us smile and along came Bonnie Tyler at just the right moment. She will be singing “Total Eclipse of the Heart” during the eclipse.

That’s it for the week’s SEO and digital marketing roundup! Bonnie, sing us out…

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