9 Actionable Techniques That Work for On Page SEO [Video]
Brian Page is undeniably an online genius. Backlinko is a great resource for online strategies, and this video is a good roundup of on page SEO tips, 9 of them to be exact. I really recommend watching the video, but here are the 9 tips that he lays out and explains in an easy to understand manner:
- Use Super Short URLS
- Include Keyword In URL
- Use LSI Keywords
- Publish Long Content
- Optimize Your Title Tag For CTR
- Use External Links
- Use Internal Links
- Maximize Site Speed
- Use Multimedia
Nothing in here is super shocking, but like I wrote in my comment to Brian, which he responded to with a smiley face, “it’s always good to be reminded of these things and have a reliable source like Brian if people try to disagree with your tactics.”
Can You Tell What Makes a Good Tweet? [Quiz]
I personally think The New York Times has been amazing in their coverage recently in terms of reporting on our current administration, but this quiz is a bit a lighter reprieve from the never ending barrage of Trumpian news. Three Cornell computer science students developed an algorithm that, they claim, can better than the average person tell which tweet is retweeted more. I personally tied with the algorithm, but see how you can do against it in this quiz.
Are You Using Google Phrase-Based Indexing? [Article]
This is a complicated article abut a complicated topic, but I’ve made the mistake too many times of not diving into the more in depth SEO topics because I just felt I didn’t have the time. But I’ve changed my ways and try to really understand the more convoluted and complex aspects of SEO, and this is the great article to dive into Google’s patents.
This article was written by Bill Slawski, a guru of SEO is who has been in the industry for over 20 years and runs SEO by the Sea, and is an expert in Google’s patents. Read this article to get a better insight into phrase-based indexing. Here’s a good takeaway about the patents:
“This phrase-based indexing system covers a few different patents, which include generating scores based upon how often certain phrases appear in different documents and as anchor text pointing to documents, as well as identifying spam using phrase-based indexing.”
Marketing School [Podcast]
I have been a big fan of Neil Patel for a while, and I just found out that he hosts a podcast. He puts one out every day with his co-host Eric Siu and they are easily digestible. Each one is less than 10 minutes and give great chunks of useful and actionable tips and strategies.
10 Game Changers You Missed By Not Attending SMMW17 [Article]
This post is a good roundup of good tips and facts that came out of SMMW17. I try to keep a pulse on what is happening in the SM community and platforms because their capabilities can maybe be fed into a SEO strategy to further expand on it. Here’s a good takeaway from the post:
“Well, video is shared and consumed 1200x more than text and images.
Live video is shared 3x more than that!”
Are you a featured snippet? If so, Google’s testing dropping your web listing [Article]
Here’s your weekly dose of, “Their doing what in the SERPs now?” The main point of the article is pretty much what the title of the article states. Google is testing removing the website that provides the featured from main core search results. The argument is that the featured snippet is double dipping in the search results and Google is testing this theory out. We’ll have to wait and see this if this becomes a mainstay.
Zero to One Million: an SEO Campaign Blueprint [Article]
I’ve just recently discovered Matthew Barby and I’m so disappointed that it took me this long to find out about him. His website is chock full of well written, useful, and, most importantly, actionable articles. This blueprint is quite intensive (it’s marked as a 46 minute read), but it’s a great and worth looking at if you’re looking to build an SEO campaign for your site.
Random fun find: 3-D printed ovaries help mice get pregnant, show promise for fertility treatments
I thought it would be good to include an article in this round up that is just plain interesting and, frankly, good news. Sometimes it feels like when I’m reading the news, whether it’s about SEO or world events, I just think, “Well, shit, there’s another thing I missed out on.” Or I’ll go, “Every thing is just going to shit.” So why not remind ourselves it’s not all bad and there are amazing things still happening out there!
Read about how 3-D printers created little mice ovaries that were implanted into mice and resulted in live births. That is freaking amazing! And if they keep developing this technology it could be amazing for female cancer survivors who lose their ovarian functions when they go through chemotherapy.